External phones

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External phones

This page can be reached from the Options menu, if the system has External phone (mobile) licenses.


The number of external phones is limited by the license count. You can specify here from which external phones recordings will be accepted. The external phones are identified by their phone number (this will become the Local ID in the call listing), or in the case of mobile phones possibly their IMEI number.


Input the telephone numbers one per line. For mobile phones, optionally add a comma, and specify the IMEI. Use one line per device. Example:


43-904265-647083-1 , +43732204034

43-954305-737086-5 , +43732204038


Alternatively, this list can be linked to the users of a group. Select the group, and select which property of the users to use to fill this list. In this case, the list is not edited manually, but filled in automatically.