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The Tenants page can be reached from the Options menu by administrators, if Multi-Tenancy is enabled in the system settings.


The Tenants page lists all groups for which the Tenant option is enabled.


Name: This is the name of the tenant, which equals the name of Tenant user group.


Other Tenant settings are explained on the User groups page.


To add a tenant, click Add. To edit the settings of a tenant, select a tenant and click Edit. Actually editing or adding of a tenant is done on the user group page, where tenant specific settings can be set, or features can be enabled.


To delete a tenant and its data, select a tenant, then click Delete tenant data. This will delete the tenant group, and associated recordings and user accounts. The system first asks for a confirmation before doing this destructive action. Optionally (by default enabled), tenant data is also deleted from backup. This means the following:

- If the option "Retain information about calls in the backup" is disabled, tenant data is removed from the database backups (a slow process), and the tenant recording files are deleted. For safety, a copy of the original databases is kept on the backup disk with the prefix OLD_. If needed, these files can be removed manually.

- If the option "Retain information about calls in the backup" is enabled, this means tenant recording files are deleted, but not from the database backups. However, database backups will automatically be deleted after a number of days if the option "Delete database backup older than ... days" is enabled.


Other actions

Assign recordings to tenant: All recordings that are not yet assigned to any tenant, will be evaluated and possibly be assigned to a tenant. In the normal situation, only new recordings are assigned to a tenant. Recordings that are already assigned to a tenant, will not be reevaluated, and will not be moved to another tenant, even if the user phones in the tenant group are changed.

Export tenant data to backup: This exports call data of the selected tenant to a directory of the backup disk. This is intended to be used when a tenant leaves the system. The main database, and the various databases on the backup disk, will be scanned for recordings of the tenant. The audio files of the recordings, together with the call meta data in CSV format, is exported to a subdirectory of the backup directory. This is a background action that can take a long time. To monitor the progress, visit or refresh the Tenants page.

Recalculate statistics: (Local disk): This recalculates how many recordings are stored for each tenant in the main archive, and how much disk space is used. (Backup): This recalculates how many recordings are stored for each tenant in the backup, and how much disk space is used. This option is only available if information is retained about the backup (a setting). The statistics are shown on a Tenant page on the Statistics tab. The statistics can have an effect on functionality, when a maximum disk space is defined for a Tenant.