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On this page individual certificate information is shown.


Name: The name of the certificate in the certificates page. It can be edited here. It is only used for reference and not part of the certificate.

Common name: The common name of the subject in the certificate

Trusted: Toggles if the certificate is added to the list of trusted certificates of Apresa.

Private key: Shows if a private key is available for this certificate. A private key is needed by the web server for doing HTTPS, and for the VoIP Service for doing SIP over TLS.

Web server access to the private key: This option should normally be disabled. It needs to be enabled if the certificate will be used for ADFS (SAML).

Show certificate information: This will output all contents of the certificate

Show intermediate certificate information: This will output all contents of all intermediate certificates.

Used for: This will show what the certificate is currently used for. Double clicking on the entries will redirect to the page where this can be managed.



Here the certificate and possibly the intermediate certificates can be downloaded from the Apresa.


Let's Encrypt


These options are exclusive to certificates obtained from Let's Encrypt.


Revoke: This will make a request to Let's Encrypt to revoke this certificate. Revoked certificates can still be used, but may be rejected by other applications if they check the revocation status of

the certificate at Let's Encrypt.


Renew now: This will immediately try to renew the certificate, regardless of when it expires.