Display settings

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Display settings

The Display Settings page can be reached from the Options menu by administrators. These display settings apply to all user accounts.


Language: Choose the language that must be used by Apresa. If a text is not available in the chosen language, English is used instead.


Date format: The date and time format is used in the call listing and at other places. Optionally, milliseconds of the start time and duration can be displayed in the main call listing (VoIP only).


Number of calls per page: Specifies how many calls are displayed per page in the main call listing (Home).


Automatically refresh list of calls: If enabled, new calls or notes made by co-workers will show up in the main call listing automatically. The data will be refreshed periodically depending on the specified update interval. The data will not be refreshed when an edit screen is open.


Direct playback (MP3): If enabled, playback will be inside the web page using HTML5. This is only possible for MP3 encoding (See Recording settings). Direct playback is a requirement for viewing and editing annotations.


Playback compatibility mode: This option is applicable to inline playback in the browser. If this option is enabled, a simple web audio player is used, that shows playback progress, but no wave form. It uses fewer resources. If this option is disabled, the wave form of the audio is shown.


Convert to MP3 for playback: If enabled, the recording will be converted to MP3 format for playback (leaving the original unmodified). This is to allow direct playback inside the browser, using other browsers than Internet Explorer.


Convert to MP3 for download: If enabled, the recording will be converted to MP3 format for download (leaving the original unmodified).


Direct playback in Internet Explorer: If enabled, playback in Internet Explorer will be inside the web page using an embedded Windows Media Player ActiveX control.


Charts compatibility mode: If enabled, graph types that are more compatible with old browsers will be used (images).


Dashboard as Supervisor login page: This option only applies if the Agent Evaluation add-on is used. If this option is enabled, the first page that a user with Agent Evaluation Supervisor permission will see, after logging in, is the Agent Evaluation dashboard.


File name of downloaded recordings: By the default downloaded .wav files use the Identifier (%i) as file name. For example: 20130225_155815_o481.wav. This Identifier includes the date and time, but no other information. To specify the file name for downloaded files, the following tags can be used:


























Name of local


Local ID (Telephone number)


Name of remote


Remote ID (Telephone number)


Caller name


Caller ID


Receiver name


Receiver ID


Name of connected


Connected (ISDN PRI, telephone number)


Line number




Category name


Category number

%n1 - %n5

Notes (1) to (5)

%z1 - %z5

Data (1) to (5)

The file names on the Apresa itself and in backup, remain unmodified.


Email button: If this option is enabled, then an email button is shown on the call listing pages, to let a user email a recordings to itself, if the user has an email address.


Only show annotations by web users: Hide annotations added by the API. This can be useful if displaying too many API annotations cannot be handled by the browser.


Caller/receiver columns: If this option is enabled, caller and receiver columns are displayed, instead of remote and local columns. This might be preferable when internal calls are recorded, because otherwise local numbers would be displayed in the remote column.


Visible columns: Choose which columns must be displayed in the call listing. For the secondary notes columns, a custom label can be specified (for example: Invoice number).




Play button

A play button to playback the recording, as alternative for the play button at the top. See direct playback options.

Special properties of the recording

This column displays information about the recording using icons:

If a screen recording is available. Clicking on the icon will playback the screen recording if supported.

If the recording is encrypted (lock icon)

If the audio failed to convert (codec problem)

If the recording was auto-deleted (retention period)

If it was a missed call

If the call was not recorded because the channel license limit was reached (see option in system settings)

Date & Time

The start date and time of the call (recording)


The duration of the call (recording)

Wait time before answer

The duration the phone was ringing until it was answered (if this could be determined)


Incoming (if remote side initiated), Outgoing (if local side initiated), Internal (both sides are internal, the local side is the initiator), External (no icon, both sides are external, the Local ID is the initiator)


A color-coded category with a configurable label (See System settings)


Notes filled in by the user

Notes (2) ... Notes (5)

Additional notes fields. These can be given a custom label.

Data (1) ... Data (5)

These data fields are set by the application, and are read-only for users. The fields can be given a custom label.

Remote ID (Telephone Number)

The telephone number (or ID or IP address) of the remote side of the call. Or if the call was internal, the remote side was the receiver of the call.

Name of remote

The name associated with the remote party in the Contact List. This could be filled in by a user, or it might be pre-filled by the recorder based on detected data.

Connected (Telephone Number)

For ISDN, this it the telephone number that is signaled when the call is answered. It can be a more detailed phone number of the destination of the call. For most other protocols, this field is not used.

Name of connected

The name associated with the connected phone number in the Contact List.*

Direction (2)

An arrow pointing from the initiator to the receiver of the call, for when Local and Remote ID fields are enabled.

Local ID (Telephone Number)

The telephone number (or ID or IP address) of the local side of the call. Or if the call was internal, the local side was the initiator of the call.

Name of local

The name associated with the local party in the Contact List.* This could be filled in by a user, or it might be pre-filled by the recorder based on detected data.

Line number

For card recordings (analog, digital TDM), the line number indicates the physical line on which the recording was made.

Remote IP

The IP address of the remote party.

Local IP

The IP address of the local party.


The user associated with this call. This refers to a user account in the recorder that has a phone that matches a participant of the call, at the time the call was made (it is not recalculated when phones change).


In case of multi-tenancy, the Tenant to which this is call is assigned (which Tenant has access to this call).


A calculated hash checksum of the recording, if enabled in the System settings.


A unique identifier of the recording.

Recorder Name

Name of the recorder on which the call was originally recorded.


*) The fields containing Names use either the system-wide Contact List, or the per-tenant Contact List.