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This page lists the open network ports, currently active connections, and the firewall status. This page can be reached as follows as an administrator:

- menu Tools > System

- System Information (at the bottom of the page)

- Network status (at the bottom of the page)


Network ports

The port number and program name gives an indication of the purpose of the connection. The port number in the Local Address column is displayed after the colon (IP:PORT).

Port 80 or 443 is used by the web interface and API, and accessed by a web browser or the Apresa Client.

Port 22 is used for SSH, which is used for remote shell access (putty), and incoming connections when receiving recordings from another Apresa.

Port 5060 or port 5061 is used by the VoIP Service if enabled (SIP protocol).

Port 2016 is for incoming V-Tap connections.

Port 123 is used for NTP (time synchronization)

Port 9004 is used for connections with the Apresa Lync Plugin (Skype for Business)



lighttpd is the web server

snmpd implements SNMP alerts and status information (menu Options > System settings > Alarm)

yate handles incoming SIP calls (menu Tools > VoIP Service)

mono handles the connections for Skype for Business on port 9004 (menu Options > System settings > VoIP > Apresa network service).

avahi-daemon performs mDNS/zeroconf local network services

ntpd performs time synchronization



Included in the Debian repository is the firewall called Uncomplicated Firewall, abbreviated as ufw. If it is not yet installed, it can be installed on the command line using apt-get. Its status is displayed on this page. See the documentation of ufw for details about enabling and configuring the firewall. Be careful to not lock yourself out of the web interface and remote system shell, or block essential services of the recorder.