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The Alarm tab is part of the System settings page, and contains settings for checking and reporting about possible failures in the functioning of the recorder.
Recording file checking: Checks every recording file for integrity (header, length, etc.). If a problem is detected, it will be treated as a system error.
Check on recording inactivity: Checks if recordings are made during the specified time periods that are configured below. If inactivity is detected for a too long duration, this is treated as a system error.
Day of the week: The days of the week that recording activity is to be expected, by default all days: 1234567, with 1 being Sunday. Use 23456 to exclude the weekend.
Start/stop time: This specifies the time periods during which recording activity is expected. It is possible to specify one or two such time periods (for example two periods excluding lunch time).
Maximum call duration: A recording (call) that is longer than the specified duration, is treated as a system error. Otherwise, an endless recording might prevent recording inactivity to be detected. This setting is only effective if inactivity detection is enabled.
Recording inactivity (system-wide): If there are no recordings anywhere in the system (including imported recordings) during this specified time duration (inside the specified activity periods), it is treated as an error.
Recording inactivity (Apresa): If there are no recordings made by Apresa (excluding imported recordings) during this specified time duration (inside the specified activity periods), it is treated as an error.
Recording inactivity (other recorders): If there are no recordings during this specified time duration (inside the specified activity periods) imported by FTP from another recorder, whose inactivity check is enabled, then it is treated as an error.
Recording inactivity (per channel): If there are no recordings on a channel that is enabled to be checked for inactivity, during this specified time duration (inside the specified activity periods), it is treated as an error. It is only effective if it is enabled for the particular channel in the card settings. It is available for analog and digital TDM channels.
Recording inactivity (per user): If there are no recordings for a user during this specified time duration (inside the specified activity periods), it is treated as an error. If this field is left empty, no check is performed. The inactivity check is performed for each user separately. Only user accounts that have one or more user phones are checked.
Notify administrator if channel license limit is reached: If enabled, an email will be sent if a recording was not started because the channel license limit was reached.
Maximum number of simultaneous calls: This value is specified as a percentage of the available licensed VoIP channels. The default value is 100 (%), which means that the system alarm is activated when the number of active calls exceeds the number of licenses, which means some active calls will not be recorded. It is also possible to let the alarm start earlier, to prevent loosing recordings at all. For example, a value of 90 means the alarm will be activated when more than 90% of the available channel licenses are in use.
Collect log files on error: When an error occurs in the recording engine and it has to close, log files are automatically collected if this option is enabled. The log files can later be downloaded from the logs archive (Tools, System, Archive log files).
Number of collected log packages to keep: Specify how many log packages, that were created automatically on error, should be preserved. Suppose this number is 5, this means that the latest 5 log packages are kept. This will give information about the last 5 errors that occurred.
SNMP Configuration: Manual: The SNMP configuration file can be edited manually with this option in case extra configuration is desired that is not available via the web interface. With this setting active the configuration file will not be overwritten by the web interface. Web interface: The SNMP configuration can be changed via the web interface. Note that any manual edits to the SNMP configuration file can be overwritten by the web interface with this setting active.
Remote access to SNMP: Enable access from remote using the SNMP protocol.
Enable SNMPv2: Enable access via the SNMPv2 protocol. SNMPv2 is unencrypted and unauthenticated.
SNMP community: This is similar to a user name, used for access control. It must match the SNMP configuration of the client. It is possible to configure multiple SNMP communities by providing them as a comma-separated list.
SNMP trap community: This community will be attached to generated traps. If left empty, the first SNMP community is used instead.
SNMP access IP range: The IP address or range from which to allow access. To allow access from all IP addresses, use: For a range, set to 0 those parts that are free. For example, use: instead of
Receiver of SNMP alarm message (traps): The IP address or DNS name to receive SNMP trap events. SNMP trap events are alarm or other notifications, that are sent from the Apresa server to the SNMP client. There can be a 5 to 10 minute delay between the actual event and the trap. The trap events can be send to multiple destinations by providing several IP addresses as a comma-separated list. Every IP address will receive a copy of the trap. Note that this setting only works with single IP addresses and not with IP ranges.
Enable SNMPv3: Enable access via the SNMPv3 protocol. SNMPv3 can be encrypted and authenticated. Via the web interface a single user can be created that use the User-based Security model (USM) of SNMPv3. Authentication and encryption will be required for this user. Alarm messages/traps can also be send via this user. More complex SNMPv3 configurations must be done manually.
Username (SNMPv3): The username for the SNMPv3 user.
Password (SNMPv3): The password for the SNMPv3 user. The minimum password length is 8 characters.
Authentication protocol (SNMPv3): The authencation protocol used for the SNMPv3 user. It is recommended to leave this as SHA unless otherwise required.
Encryption protocol (SNMPv3): The encryption protocol used for the SNMPv3 user. It is recommended to leave this as AES unless otherwise required.
Receiver of SNMP alarm message (traps) (SNMPv3): The IP address or DNS-name of the receiver of the SNMPv3 trap events. Can be a comma separated list to send the trap events to multiple destinations. The trap receiver(s) must also be configured with the username, password. Sometimes the engine ID must be configured on the receiving end as well, depending on the SNMP application that must receive the traps (see below).
Engine ID (SNMPv3): Read-only field that will be populated once a SNMPv3 user has been configured. The user at the trap receiver(s) must sometimes be configured with this engine ID before the SNMP application will process SNMPv3 traps.
SNMP General error field: Enabling this option will insert a row in the Apresa SNMP table that indicates an alarm if there is any other alarm detected. With this option enabled, a static OID can be queried to check if there is any alarm active. If this takes the value of 40, there is currently an alarm active. If this takes the value of 20, there are no other alarms active.
Stop VoIP service if VoIP recording component fails: The VoIP service is stopped when a failure is detected in the operation of the VoIP engine. The VoIP service is often used for active recording.
Check for card recording driver errors: If enabled, the status of the card recording driver is checked, and if a known error condition is detected in it, this is detected as a system error, and the recording component is restarted automatically.
Teams Bot Check: If enabled, the system will periodically check if the Teams bot is up and running. The Teams Bot is run in Azure and is used to record MS Teams calls.
Teams Bot Server address: The URL at which the bot can be reached, for example: https://bot.company.com
Teams Bot Password: The administrator password of the bot, that is also usable in the control panel of the bot (configured in service.auth in the configuration xml file of the bot).