<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: Options > System settings > System |
The System tab is part of the System settings page, and contains settings for how the system functions as a whole, for licensing, the web interface, disk usage, and security.
System name: The system name is displayed in the web interface in the top bar, and included in the subject of system emails.
License key: The license key determines the number of licensed channels. If the number of simultaneous calls exceeds the number of licensed channels, calls will be lost. To add new recording or decoding channels, click on the link "Activate new channels license", fill in the license key that you have received on purchase. The system will reply with a new license key. Input this license key in the License key input box in the Apresa web interface, and press Apply.
VoIP channels: The number of licensed VoIP channels. This is the maximum number of simultaneous VoIP recordings that can be made.
(G.729 decoding is no longer limited)
RT-Audio decoding channels: The number of simultaneous calls that can be decoded from RT-Audio codec.
Digital TDM channels: The maximum number of simultaneous digital TDM recordings that can be made (Synway DST or SHR card).
Analog channels: The maximum number of simultaneous analog recordings that can be made (Synway ATP card).
ISDN PRI Channels: The maximum number of simultaneous ISDN PRI recordings that can be made (Synway DTP card).
External phones: The number external phones, identified by a Local ID (or IMEI), that can be imported from an external source using the API. Click Configure to configure the External phones.
Software updates until: The date after which the service period of providing Apresa software updates will end. To extend the service period, click Renew service license, and use the S&U license code that was provided on purchase. OS-level updates are not affected by this date, but depend on long term support schedule of Debian.
Remote shell: When this option is enabled, you can connect remotely to the Apresa system to open a remote shell using a SSH client, provided the Apresa system is reachable, and the network traffic is not blocked. The first time you enable this option, you will be prompted to specify a new password. It is essential for safety that you input a new password. For more information, see the Apresa manual.
Message on login page: The entered text will be displayed on the login page. If you are using a customized login page (with logo), then the message might not show.
API authorization code: Password of the Apresa API (for more information, see the Apresa API documentation)
Maximum number of logged in users: The maximum number of users that can be logged in on the Apresa web interface. Use this setting to prevent too much server load.
Maximum number of web server connections: This number must be at least equal to the number of ApresaClient instances that are running at the same time, because each ApresaClient (PC software) keeps one connection open constantly. In addition to this number, about 4 extra connections are needed for normal use of the web interface. It is recommended to keep this setting low, because higher numbers will use extra memory and CPU time.
Session idle time-out: Users are logged out automatically when not active during the specified time period.
Maximum session duration: Users are logged out automatically when they are logged in longer than the specified time period.
Calculate checksum: For verification that a recording has not been altered, Apresa can calculate a checksum. This checksum can be made visible in a column of the call listing (For enabling this column, see Display settings). Apresa supports the MD5, SHA-1, and SHA-2 (256 or 512 bit) methods for calculating a checksum.
Retention policy: Click Configure to define more than one retention policy.
Delete calls older than ...: Calls that are older than the specified number of days are deleted permanently from the hard disk. This means that the audio recording (and screen recording if available) are deleted. This function is also called auto-delete. When the input box is left empty, this type of auto-delete is off.
Independent of this setting, to ensure the system can continue to create new recordings at the maximum supported rate, the system will always perform auto-deletion of old recordings when the disk space falls too low (below 2 GB or below 25% whatever is less).
Remove auto-deleted recordings from the call listing: If this option is enabled, meta data of auto-delete calls are deleted from the call listing. Exception to this are noted below. If this option is disabled, the meta data is preserved, and remains visible and searchable.
Keep auto-deleted evaluated calls in call listing: If this option is enabled, meta data of calls that were added to an Agent Evaluation project for evaluation, are preserved when the recording is auto-deleted. This is an exception to rule described in the previous option.
Load auto-deleted recordings from backup: If this option is enabled, and a recording has been auto-deleted, but not removed from the call listing (meta data has been preserved), then a user can select the call for playback, and then the system will attempt to load this recording from the backup location.
Delete screen recordings older than ...: Screen recordings that are older than the specified number of days are deleted permanently from the hard disk (not from the backup). This options is applied in addition to the other auto-delete options. This option only has an effect if it is set to a lower value than the general auto-delete option.
Delete transcriptions older than ...: Transcriptions that are older than the specified number of days are deleted permanently from the hard disk (not from the backup). This options is applied in addition to the other auto-delete options.
Note: Auto-delete actions are applied in addition to each other, this means that each action possibly causes more to be deleted, never less.
Delete from main archive when deleting from backup: If this option is enabled, the same retention period that is applied to the backup (globally or per tenant) is also applied to the main archive. The meta-data of the calls will also be deleted from the main archive call listing, even if the option "Remove auto-deleted recordings from the call listing" is disabled. The idea behind this is as follows. Usually, the retention period of the main archive will be shorter than that of the backup. For example, a tenant could have a retention period in the main archive of one month, but keep meta-data in the call listing, and enable the option to load recordings on-demand from the backup. The tenant could have a retention period of one year in the backup. At that point, recordings are deleted from the backup, and meta-data of the calls are deleted from the main archive. Loading from backup would not be possible anymore anyway. The recordings itself were already gone from the main archive then, because of the shorter retention period, so only meta-data is deleted.
Retain information about calls in the backup: Store the meta-data of calls in the backup, even after they are deleted from the main storage, until they are deleted from the backup archive by the system. This option is needed for quickly performing actions on the backup (for deleting tenant data from the backup, and for applying a retention period on calls in the backup). The data is stored in the database, but invisible to the user.
When disabling this option, information about the calls in the backup is no longer retained (the information is deleted). After enabling this option, calls that are newly written to the backup, are registered (information about it is remembered). To fill the registry with information about calls that were copied to the backup before this option was enabled, click Configure.
Prevent recovery of deleted data: If enabled, recordings data that is deleted is first overwritten with pseudo-random data multiple times, to prevent recovery of the original content. The data erasure procedure takes time, depending on the size of the deleted data. When this option is off, which is the default, recording files are simply unlinked, and recovery might be possible with special tools.
Notes: Because of file system journaling, caching, and possibly other factors, it cannot be guaranteed to absolutely prevent recovery in all cases. This option is not applied to the meta data in the database. It is also not applied during a complete system reset.
Recycle Bin: If enabled, calls are moved to the Recycle Bin when they are deleted. On the Recycle Bin page you can restore the calls, or remove them permanently.
Users can change personal settings: When enabled, users can choose a custom display language. Users will be able to change their password, except if this is disabled in the (advanced) option below, or if password verification is performed through LDAP/AD.
Recovery when password has been forgotten: If enabled, then users can request a new password to be delivered to them by email.
Minimum password length: The minimum length of the new password.
Strong passwords required: If enabled, the password must contain an upper case letter, a lower case letter, and a number.
User must change password: If enabled, the user must change his/her new password on first log-on, after a new one had been issued by email.
Renew password after: The maximum number of days the user can use his password. After this time period, the user must change his password.
Password history: This determines the number of unique new passwords a user must use before an old password can be reused.
Duration of user account block: This is the time (in seconds) an user account is blocked after 5 wrong password attempts.
Log on Verification Code: This enables two-factor authentication using e-mail, as an extra protection for access to Apresa. If enabled, a 6 digits verification code is sent to the user by e-mail after the normal logon. When you enable the option for the first time there is a Cancel button to return to the old situation (without Verification Code). You can customize the e-mail on the System Settings, E-mail page.
Multi-Tenancy: Enable multi-tenancy to have separate settings per group that uses the recording system. Recordings are assigned to exactly one tenant (or no tenant), depending on whether the phone of the call is a phone of a user that is a member of the tenant group.
Assign recording to tenant when call starts: If this setting is enabled, or if "User access based on Local ID" is enabled, then a recording will be assigned to a tenant, if one matches, as soon as the recording starts. Otherwise, the recording will be assigned to a tenant when the recording ends.
Exclude disabled user accounts when determining the phone numbers that belong to a tenant: Calls are assigned to a tenant if the involved phone number matches with a telephone of a user account that is a member of the tenant group. If this option is enabled, then only enabled user accounts are checked for a match.
Allow administrators to reassign recordings to another tenant: Allow an administrator to move existing recordings to another tenant. In the main call listing screen, an administrator can then click the Edit icon button, select "Assign recording to another Tenant", then choose the new tenant for the selected recordings.
Contact list per tenant: When enabled, each tenant has a separate contact list. The contact list contains the names that are associated with a phone number.
Duplicate names allowed: Two or more user accounts with the same name are allowed to exist, if this option is enabled.
A user is member of only group: When adding users to a group, only users that are not yet part of any group are available for selection.
A phone belongs to only one user: A phone can be added to only one user. A phone is identified by phone number (VoIP), or line number (analog/TDM).
User access based on Local ID: Users have access to calls made by one or more telephones (identified by a telephone number, or a SIP IDs, etc.). If this setting is enabled, the system will check the Local ID, but not the Remote ID, to determine if the user has access to the call.
Mask last digits of Remote ID: If enabled, the last few digits of the Remote ID will be replaced by an X in the call database.
Playback permission allows playback only inside the browser: The system will try to prevent downloading of recordings, while still allowing inline playback inside the browser. Since playback always requires some form of file data transfer, it cannot be fully guaranteed that no download will happen. But under normal circumstances, a user that has no download permission will not be able to download recordings, not even to the temporary directory, regardless of the browser setup.
Unofficial updates allowed: When enabled, this allows the installation of updates that are not from the official manufacturer. Otherwise, the signature of the update will be validated before installation.
Allow temporary unencrypted storage on disk of active calls: If this option is not enabled, active calls are recorded first in memory, and then stored encrypted when finished. This is the default. When this option enabled, active calls are recorded on disk, and then encrypted when finished. This can prevent an out of memory situation when there are long active calls. This option only applies if call content encryption is active.
Audit Trail: (Files) When enabled, audit files are created that log each significant action of users, such as playback of a recording.
Audit Trail: (Database) When enabled, entries are created in the database that log each significant action of users.
It is possible to enable both the file and database audit trail, but usually you would want to enable one of both. The database audit trail has more features. The audit trail can be accessed using, Tools, System, Audit Trail.
Remove audit trail entries older than: (Database) Audit trail entries that are stored in the database that are older than the specified days are permanently removed.
Web interface: (Audit Trail) When viewing the audit trail, select to show either the audit files or the audit database. Both could contain different data, depending on whether they were enabled during different periods.
Include data views in Audit Trail: If enabled, viewing data (such as viewing the call listing), and searching for data, is also logged in the audit trail.
Manual is available for: Choose here for whom the included online manual will be available: for everyone (that includes non logged-in users), users (that are logged in), or only for administrators.
List of active calls is accessible for: Choose if the active calls list page can be viewed by all users, or only by administrators (including level 2 but excluding level 3 administrators).
Statistics are available for: Choose here who can access the statistics page. Regardless of this setting, statistics are filtered by user access rights.
Detailed logging of card recording: This option is intended for when there is a problem with card recording.
Delete log files older than ...: Detailed card recording log files that are older than the specified number of days are deleted permanently from the hard disk. When the input box is left empty, auto-delete is off.
Manually edit configure file of card recording: Enable this option for full control over the configuration file used for card recording. Otherwise this file would be edited automatically by the application software, based on the supplied settings.
Line name in file name: A TDM specific feature to include the line name into the used filename.
Export recordings: Export recordings to a network drive.