Recycle Bin

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Recycle Bin

The Recycle Bin can be reached from the Tools menu, when the user has any Delete permission.


This page has similar functionality, compared to the main call listing.


In the Recycle Bin page, it is possible to delete calls permanently, or to restore calls, if you have the Delete permission on those calls.

To delete a call permanently, that resides in the Recycle Bin, select the call(s), and then click the delete Delete button. This action cannot be reversed.

To restore a call from the recycle bin, back to the main call listing, select the call(s), and then click the edit-undo Restore button.


From the list button, it is also possible to restore or delete all calls that result from a search query. To use these options, the global 'Delete multiple calls' permission is required and the ‘Delete recordings’ permission is required for each individual call that you try to restore or delete with these options.