Backup info

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Backup info

This page can be reached from the System settings, clicking Configure next to the option "Retain information about calls in the backup".


Description of the relevant option in the System settings:

Retain information about calls in the backup: Store the meta-data of calls in the backup, even after they are deleted from the main storage, until they are deleted from the backup archive by the system. This option is needed for quickly performing actions on the backup (for deleting tenant data from the backup, and for applying a retention period on calls in the backup).

When disabling this option, information about the calls in the backup is no longer retained (the information is deleted). After enabling this option, calls that are newly written to the backup, are registered (information about it is remembered). To fill the registry with information about calls that were copied to the backup before this option was enabled, click Configure.


Number of Records: This is the number of calls in the backup that the system has retained information about.


To add information about existing calls in the backup, click Browse, and select a backup database that exists in the backup directory, and then click Import. This will only work if the backup is configured and access to it is working. The import process will take time. The page will reload automatically until the process is completed. It is possible to do other things, while it is busy importing.

The process described above of importing existing information from backup databases is not needed if the option "Retain information about calls in the backup" has been enabled for the whole time that backup was performed.


After importing one or backups, it can be preferable to let the system recalculate the Tenant backup statistics.