Retention policies

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Retention policies

To reach this page, go to System settings, then click Configure next to Retention policy.


Retention policies define how long call recordings, screen recordings, and transcriptions are kept before they are deleted. If information is retained about what is in the backup, then also the retention period of data in the backup can be configured.


There is always one default retention policy, which is applied to all records by default. The default retention policy corresponds exactly to the settings defined in the System settings (and Backup page). The default policy has number 0. Additional retention policies can be defined. Each policy must have a unique number. The retention policy for a recording can be set using the API. When another policy is assigned to a recording, the default policy no longer applies.


If the retention policy is other than the default, then its number is shown in the special properties column of the main call listing (for example: [4])


Note: Tenant retention policy is applied in addition to these settings.