Dial code

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Dial code


The Dial code tab is part of the System settings page, and contains settings for assigning actions to dial codes.


Dial code, dial code action: An action can be assigned to a dial code. For example, it can be configured that dialing *11 during a call, will cause Apresa to email you the recording of the current call, when finished. To do so, fill in *11 as the dial code, and select "E-mail current recording" as the dial code action.

For Cisco SCCP, speed dial buttons are represented as code S (for the first speed dial button), and T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z (for additional speed dial buttons).

Apresa is not always able to detect dial codes. In that case, dial code actions cannot be used. Apresa Client (PC software) or the Web Client might be used instead to perform call actions.

- The dial code actions "E-mail current recording" and "E-mail previous recording" require that there is a user account with an email address filled in and a telephone that matches the local or remote party of the call. It will email the current or previous recording of this user.

- The dial code action "Store this call" is relevant when the option "Store on demand" is enabled in the Recording settings.

- The dial code action "Start silence" will silence the recording from that point in time, until the "Stop silence" dial code action is performed, but only if "Silence on demand" is enabled in the Recording settings.

- The dial code action "Start recording" will start the recording of a call that is configured to be recorded on demand, but is currently not yet recorded. The recording will continue until the end of the call, or until the "Stop recording" dial code action is performed.

- The dial code action "Start recording remote side" will start adding the audio of the remote caller to the recording from that point in time. This is only applicable to calls that are recorded and of which the remote side is recorded only on-demand. The recording of the remote side will continue until the "Stop recording remote side" dial code action is performed.

- The dial code action "Delete" will stop the recording of the current call and delete it, and will not start recording again for this call. The dial code action "Delete and restart" will stop and delete the current VoIP recording, but start a new recording afterwards for the same call. If recording on demand is on, it will add an item to the active calls without actually recording yet. The "Delete and restart" option is currently available only for VoIP. These two dial code actions are only possible for phones for which Delete on demand is enabled in the Recording settings.

- The dial code action "Add annotation" will add a marker at the specified time during the call. Annotations are displayed on the time line during inline playback.

See also the "Dial code action" setting in the VoIP tab.