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Via the web client, users can perform actions on active calls. To access this page, the user must have the web client permission.
Active Calls
In this table, currently active calls are listed. This table will update automatically. For calls to appear, they need to involve telephone numbers or SIP ids that are listed under the telephones section on the user page of the logged in user.
Perform an action on the call. Availability of these actions is controlled via the recording settings. Available actions are:
Start Silence/Stop silence: Starts the silence on call that is being recorded or starts the sound again on a call that is being silenced.
Start/Stop Recording: Starts recording a call that is not being recorded or stop the recording of a call that is being recorded.
Delete: Delete the call and erase the recording
Store this call: Store a call when the recording has finished
Shows the status of the call:
White: Call is not recorded
Red: Call is recorded
Blue: Call is silenced
Category, Notes and Notes (2):
Edit the category of a call and the notes fields. These are subject to the edit notes permission. These are not available when the call is not being recorded.
Call Details:
Shows information about the active call
Previous Calls:
Any finished and recorded calls are moved to this table. From this table, the category and notes can be edited.
Calls can be cleared from this table individually with the clear button or all at once with the Clear All button. This will not delete the recording, it is only removed from this web client view. The view is also cleared when the page is reloaded.
Web Client Settings
Via the web client settings, elements from the user interface can be hidden. These settings can be defined on group level via the user group page or on user level via the user page and optionally the web client page itself.
Note that these settings only apply to the user interface itself. For the underlying actions to succeed, the proper permissions and recording settings are still required.
The web client user interface settings are:
Notes: Show the editor for the first notes field
Notes (2): Show the editor for the second notes field
Category: Show the category editor
Silence: Show the button for starting and stopping silence for calls that have silence on demand enabled.
Start/Stop: Show the button starting and stopping a recording for calls with recording on demand enabled.
Delete: Show the button to completely delete a call for which delete on demand is enabled.
Store on demand: Show the button to store a call for which store on demand in enabled.
The group level settings have the following extra options:
Apply to subgroups: When this option is enabled for a group, the webclient settings will also be applied for members of a subgroup of this group.
Otherwise they will only be applied to members of this group.
Allow settings to be overridden in subgroup: If this option is also enabled in combination with the "Apply to subgroups" option,
the web client settings for specific subgroups can be overridden.
Allow settings to be overridden for group members: If this option is enabled, the web client settings can optionally be overridden for specific users,
Other members of this group will continue using the group defined web client settings.
The group level settings and user level settings via the user page have the following extra option:
Show settings on client page: If enabled, the web client settings can be changed from the web client page itself.
Otherwise the settings will be hidden, so that only users with permissions to edit users and user groups can change the settings.