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The Encryption page can be reached from the System page, which can be reached from the Tools menu by administrators.




Apresa can provide a secure web interface, to prevent that web pages or downloaded recordings are intercepted by a third party. To enable a secured web interface, a certificate must be created first. Apresa can use an existing certificate and private key, or it can create a self-signed certificate based on the contact information that you fill in. After the certificate has been created, the Browser protocol must be set to HTTP + HTTPS (or HTTPS only), on the Network tab in the System settings, and the certificate selected there. When first accessing the Apresa web interface using HTTPS, the browser will present a warning if the certificate is self-signed. Browsers usually have an option to add a security exception for a specific certificate.



Encryption of call content

To enable call content encryption, click the Enabled checkbox, and fill in a pass phrase in the Password field. It is important to remember this pass phrase, in order not to lose access to the data.


It is possible to change the pass phrase. Click "Define new password", and fill in a new pass phrase. This new pass phrase will be required to unlock both new and earlier encrypted calls of this system.


See also: Data Encryption