Import from Araña

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Import from Araña

Araña is a Vidicode product that runs on a Windows PC or server, and can maintain an archive of recordings imported from other Vidicode call recorders.


To import an Araña database, the archive can be read from a network share, or from a connected USB disk. The configuration options to read the Araña archive are similar to those on the Backup page.


Click on Enable to start the import action. Refresh the page to see the progress.


Multi-tenancy is applied to the new recordings during import, based on the current configuration.


The audio files are imported into Apresa without converting into another codec. Audio files that use the G.723 codec can be converted to MP3 and played back inline on Debian 8 and 9 (on older Debian 8 systems, it might require the libav-tools update). On other systems, the files cannot be converted to MP3, which means inline playback is not possible. To listen to the audio, the audio file can be downloaded, and could be played back using VidiPlayer.