Restore backup

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Restore backup

The Restore backup page can be reached from the System page, which can be reached from the Tools menu by administrators.


Apresa can put back the content of a previously made backup.


The options on the Restore page are similar to those on the Backup page. Additional options:


Filename of database backup: The date of the backup is normally included in the filename, for example apresa20110201.sql.gz is the backup of on the 1st of February 2011. In this way, you can choose to restore the system to the state on a specific date. Use the Browse... button to avoid mistakes in entering the filename, and to verify that the other settings, such as the backup directory, have been set correctly.


Restore method: There are two restore methods:

- Restore calls: Only the recordings are restored from the backup. Recordings are added (no recordings are deleted).

- Full restore: This action will erase the current data on the Apresa, and replace it with the content of the backup. This includes the recordings, settings, and licensing.

- Restore database: Restoring the database will replace the existing database content with the data that is stored in the backup. The database contains the configuration and the meta-data about the calls. Choosing this option will not restore the recordings in the backup.


The restore action is performed at once.