Transcription tasks

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Transcription tasks

This page can be reached from the System settings, Network tab, by clicking the Transcription tasks link.


On this page you can configure which calls should be transcribed. To add a new transcription task, click the Add button.


Name: Input a name to identify this task (can be chosen freely)

Enabled: For disabled tasks, no further calls will be added to the transcription queue.

Maximum audio duration to process: Input the maximum number of audio minutes to transcribe for this task. The idea is to set a limit to the resources used for transcription. If not filled in, no limit is applied.

Filter: A number of filters can be defined to narrow down what calls should be transcribed.

Telephone number or ID: Only calls that involve the specified telephone numbers are transcribed. Multiple telephone numbers can be specified comma separated and can include the wild cards * and ?, similar to the regular search feature on the Home screen.

Date: Specify the date range of calls that must be transcribed. If no date range is specified, calls are transcribed regardless of their date.

Duration: Optionally specify a minimum and maximum duration. Calls with a duration outside this range are not transcribed for this task.


As long as a transcription task is enabled, the system will continue to check if new calls match the filter. Calls that match are added to the transcription queue. They are processed by the transcription provider, and the resulting transcription is stored when ready. The process of transcription can take a long time depending on the duration of the audio, and if many other calls are in the queue.


Changes that are made to transcription tasks apply only to calls that are not yet added to the queue. The existing transcription queue remains unmodified.