Features how-to

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Features how-to

This topic describes how to enable or use various features.


By default, do not record calls. Decide during a call whether to store the complete call.

- Enable store on demand, either for the whole system in the Recording settings, or for some User accounts.

- in System settings, Dial code tab, specify a dial code (e.g. #9), and as action choose "Store this call"

Then during a call, press the configured dial code (e.g. #9) to have the recording stored. Otherwise, it will be deleted.


By default, record calls. Decide during a call whether to delete the complete call.

- in Recording settings, enable Delete on demand (e.g. for All)

- in System settings, Dial code tab, specify a dial code (e.g. #9), and as action choose "Delete"

During a call, press the defined dial code to stop and delete the recording.


Do not record a part of a call, by default record

- in Recording settings, enable "Silence on demand"

- in System settings, Dial code tab, specify a dial code (e.g. #9), and as action choose "Start silence"

- do the same for "Stop silence"

During a call, use the defined dial codes to start and stop the silencing.


Record a part of a call, by default do not record

- in Recording settings, enable "Recording on demand", either for all, or for a set of telephone numbers

- in System settings, Dial code tab, specify a dial code (e.g. #9), and as action choose "Start recording"

- do the same for "Stop recording"

During a call, use the defined dial codes to start and stop recording. Each part will be stored as a separate recording. To delete the last recorded portion, use the dial code action "Delete and restart" (instead of "Stop recording").


Temporarily stopping screen recording

Use silence on demand.


Remarks about dial code detection in general

- Normally, only dial codes from the local side are processed (see System settings, VoIP tab, Dial code action).


Using CSTA for active recording

At the PBX:

- Enable CSTA

- Create a dedicated SIP phone for the Apresa

- For Unify OpenScape Voice:

- Enable the Silent Monitoring Agent subscriber feature for each phone that must be recorded.

- Enable the Silent Monitoring Supervisor subscriber feature for the Apresa phone.

At the Apresa:

- Install the telephony system add-on. Then access Tools, VoIP service, and configure it with the SIP phone settings created earlier, and configure it  to accept calls.

- In Options, Recording settings, configure the CSTA phones to monitor.

- In Options, System settings, Network tab, configure the CSTA type, and other CSTA settings.